Distinguished Volunteer Coordinator Award
Distinguished Volunteer Coordinator Award is to recognize volunteer Extension Master Gardener coordinators who demonstrate excellence and service to the Extension Master Gardener Program. The award is given biennially with the honoree announced at the IMGC. The award winner is recognized on the EMG national website and EMG social media channels. Award recipients are encouraged to attend the IMGC. The Distinguished Volunteer Coordinator Award recipient will receive a plaque at the IMGC and recognition on the EMG National website.
Application Qualifications
- All nominees must be a current EMG volunteer coordinator (non-compensated) in the year they are nominated (coordinators cannot nominate themselves).
- Incomplete applications will not be judged; the chair of the awards program will determine if an application is incomplete.
- The Distinguished Volunteer Coordinator Award will be conferred once per individual.
- The Distinguished Volunteer Coordinator Award nominee must have volunteered as an Extension Master Gardener five or more years with at least three of those years serving as an EMG coordinator.
- Completed nomination package and required attachments must be transmitted electronically.
Award Information
Complete a nomination package which includes:
- Online (Google Forms) application with the following attachments:
- 500 to 800 word narrative addressing the criteria listed below.
- Maximum 250-word summary of the application which will be used on the website to announce the award winner.
- A professional photo (headshot) to be used for the awards introduction. This will be posted on the Extension Master Gardener national website following the award presentation.
- Two letters of support from a supervisor, colleague, or peer describing the nominee’s contributions and accomplishments (uploaded to Google Forms application)
Judging and Scoring
- All applications are judged independently.
- All the judge’s scores for each applicant will be totaled and divided by the number of judges (average score).
- In the case of a tie, multiple awards will be given.
- Criteria for the narrative (50 points, 10 per criteria):
- Exhibits an exemplary professional attitude among staff and volunteers.
- Promotes involvement and cooperation among all volunteers.
- Demonstrates commitment to the EMG program mission by developing new and creative programming to meet community needs.
- Collaborates with community and institutional partners.
- Demonstrates measurable impact for programming efforts.
Application Timeline
- November 7, 2022: Open SFE Coordinator Award
- February 6, 2023: Close SFE Coordinator Award
- February 21, 2023: inform winners (so winners have time to register before March 1 with early bird registration)
- IMGC in Overland Park, Kansas June 18-22, 2023